What Does DDD Stand for?

Michelle Sandford
DDD Perth
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2017


Raspberry Pi anyone?

Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge fan of conferences. I love the opportunity to learn stuff on a wide range of topics all in one day. I love meeting industry celebrities — last year @DDDPerth I met Lars Klint IRL and nearly fainted from the excitement <yes I am that nerdy>.

I like sipping coffee and taking selfies in a crowd of people so excited about Tech that they gave up their weekend and abandoned their families to be there.

Last year was the first year I had attended DDDPerth and I was a little nervous. I thought maybe it would be all Developer and I would be a bit out of my depth. But if it was too deep for me, I certainly didn’t notice.

I loved watching @AbstractCode being declarative about “The One True Architecture” and @larsklint did “The Force Awakens” as his locknote — which was so honest and revealing, I was astounded that he could stand in front of a room of so many developers and lay bare so much of his soul. What was more startling was the way they responded in the Q&A afterwards. Everyone let down their own barriers and shared their own tips and tricks for surviving life. I don’t think I have ever been quite so moved by a conference — and I have never felt as much at home as I did there.

Tech God Lars Klint at some other conference

I won a Raspberry Pi from @paul__usher which reminds me, I must ask @robdmoore to ensure there are some actual Raspberry Pie’s on the menu. I was craving them all day as a result of the sessions showing how to control a robot <poor robot suffered a horrendous accident in front of 80 witnesses> and how to keep your data safe from the Government.

In 2017 the plan is to make the Conference twice the size and have an even more diverse range of topics. It’s no longer something by Developers for Developers <Developer Developer Developer>— it’s for everyone who loves Tech, and all that is associated with it.

But code will always remain at its core — and I love the idea that there will be the depth and breadth to interest everyone and anyone at @DDDPerth. I already found it so epic last year — and this year will be twice as epic!

See you all there?



Tech Girl Superhero, Tedx Speaker, 1 of MCV’s 100 Most Influential Women in Games (Asia Pacific), Microsoftie. Surfs waves and webs. Thinks outside the XBox.